Showing posts with label Hidden Calories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hidden Calories. Show all posts

What’s New in 21st Century Slimming Trends?

What’s New in 21st Century Slimming Trends?. Whether you’re trying to lose a little extra weight around your waist. Or struggling with a long-term weight problem that is badly affecting your health, this article is for you!

What we are all looking for is a sensible answer to our weight problems. That is quick, healthy, easy to do, and easy to keep on doing!

Join the slimming trends revolution

So read on and learn which slimming trends are ‘out’ and discover the method that is most definitely ‘in’. Because it has revolutionized the way that people lose weight in the 21st century!

Hard exercise is hard work!

One major difference in how people approach their weight loss is the trend away from expensive gym memberships. Personal fitness instructors. Whilst these two methods are certainly very helpful in burning up calories. Getting people lighter and fitter. It’s sheer hard work and very time-consuming.

A temporary fix

If you rely on an exercise regime to make your body burn off the extra calories you eat. You have to keep up the same rate of activity forever. Because the minute you stop exercising, your excess weight will come back to haunt you!

Slimming Trends

Smart Technology – not smart enough!

Through smartphones and tablets. Now plenty of new apps and websites with low-calorie meal plans and other slimming tips.

But - the downside is the cost to your pocket and to your self-esteem!

Until someone invents an app that will do the shopping. Prepare a super-tasty low-calorie meal - every day. Not interested in being made to feel guilty about lacking the time, energy, or culinary skills. To keep up with their ‘smart’ advice!

And the winner is . . . naturally thermogenic tea!

For rapid and sustained weight loss people need something healthy, but easy to do without lots of fuss!

That’s why synergetically-blended, thermogenic teas have swept the board to become the slimming trends for 21st-century dieters.

The big four obesity-busting teas are Green tea, White tea, Oolong tea, and Pu-erh tea. These teas have been scientifically proven, in many international research trials. To create a natural thermogenic, or fat-burning, a process in the body.

Synergy boosts potency ten-fold

Individually, they all contain the efficient thermogenic component called catechin polyphenol.

Catechins speed up the body’s metabolism in a unique and more efficient way than nerve-jangling caffeine. To burn up excess calories every day without dieting.

Science has proved that when combined, the potency of these teas. Multiplied by a factor of 10 and this is called the Synergy Effect.

Four-way action

In addition, each of the four obesity-blockers has a different and extra benefit:

  • Green tea – fat-burning without dieting or exercise.
  • White tea – breaks down fat and restricts the formation of new fat cells.
  • Pu-erh tea – drains excess fluids and keeps stomach feeling full longer.
  • Oolong tea – a natural appetite suppressant with a delicious flavor.

Happy dieting!

By taking these four teas in a synergetic blend, the speed of weight loss is increased by 10 times! And it works without cutting out your favorite foods.

So - if you’ve been searching for a simple, healthy, natural, and no-fuss way to drop weight fast. Without going hungry – you know what to do!

Mou tea is a delicious blend of the finest Green, White, Pu-erh, and Oolong tea. Which has a delightfully aromatic fragrance and a light, fresh taste with lingering notes of honey.

The content on this site is informational and should not consider medical advice. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. The advertising and promotion of prescription medication in Europe are prohibited and unlawful.

How to Cut Out the Hidden Calories in Processed Foods – the 21st Century Way!

How to Cut Out the Hidden Calories in Processed Foods – the 21st Century Way!. Not lectures like eating fresh foods and cooking from scratch. Nice thought - never to happen for most of us!

Don’t cut out – add-in!

Struggling to cut out calorie-rich foods to achieve weight loss, scientific research into obesity treatment. Now says it can be more effective if you just add in the naturally weight-reducing Camellia Sinensis teas to your regular diet!

Scientific proof

The good news that unfermented and fermented green teas from the Camellia Senensis plant have special powers, no secret. The doubters, it never clear how they worked.

It has investigated, checked, and double-checked in many international studies on human subjects.

The substance that changes the way your body processes sugars, fats, and fatty tissue. Has now identified as catechin-polyphenol.

Your own personal fat-fighting team

The big four Obesity-blocking teas are Green tea, Pu-erh tea, Oolong tea, and White tea. When taken together a synergetic blend, intensifies their potency. They form a highly trained fat-fighting team with ten-times the strength of the individual teas!


Why doesn’t everyone know about this?

You would expect to announce on the news channels!

The reason is simple. Natural products that cannot license to one pharmaceutical mega-company. Sold as an expensive, branded weight-cutting drug doesn’t make the huge profits that drug-companies are after.

Check the facts for yourself!

Check online you can read the solid proof published by many international studies on how the four teas act to rid the body of excess fat.

Catechin is an excellent clinically-proven treatment for obesity.

You only have to drink a blend of catechin-rich Green, White, Oolong, and Pu-erh tea every day, to lose weight quickly, safely, and permanently!

Suppresses appetite and limits new fat-cells

Many people have already heard about the thermogenic or increased fat-burning properties of certain plant-derived foods. The over-riding benefit of drinking a blend of these teas is that each tea has additional weight-controlling properties:

Oolong tea - breaks down fat stores and suppresses appetite

Pu-erh tea - optimizes the digestive system, drains out fatty substances fluid before excess fat stored.

And Pu-erh regulates digestion your stomach feels full and satisfied for longer after meals.

White tea - breaks down and flushes out excess fatty tissues from any part of the body. Amazingly, it stops your body from making new excess fat-cells in the future!

Naturally superior

No wonder the pharmaceutical companies are trying to sideline these health-promoting, weight-controlling teas. They have been trying to produce a medical weight-loss/weight-control drug that’s safe for long-term use for many years. Have invested millions of dollars in their own products.

Effective - Synergy increases the potency of 10-times, making fat-loss automatic and permanent, even you eat hamburgers and fries at every meal!

Safe – It’s the best way to cut out all of the extra calories your body doesn’t need a 100% natural and safe way.

Eat well - get slim - be happy!

Leave it to the catechins to repel, break-down, burn-up, flush-out and keep out - those fatty extra calories!

It’s the 21st century way!

Kou Tea is a deliciously aromatic, synergetic blend of the finest Green, White, Oolong, and Pu-erh teas from the Camellia Sinensis plant.  Kou Tea packaged in tea-bags, making it easy to enjoy its light and refreshing flavor at home, at work, and on any occasion. Calories

The content on this site is informational and should not consider medical advice. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. The advertising and promotion of prescription medication in Europe are prohibited and unlawful.

How to Avoid Those Hidden Calories that Sabotage Your Slimming Diet

photo by bill oxford
Processed foods of all types are packed with calories that you may not realize are there.  This is obviously necessary to give processed foods longer shelf life. And owing to the inevitable loss of flavor in processed foods, manufacturers add plenty of salt, sugar, and artificial flavorings to compensate.

Fair enough – what you lose in healthy nutrition you gain inconvenience!
Go by the facts – not the marketing
However, a large number of pre-processed foods and drinks marked as diet, low-calorie, or suitable for slimmers have been tested by Consumer Protection organizations and found to be the opposite of what they claim on the packet!
In fact, it has been proven that some ‘diet’ food products contain as many as, or in some shameful cases, even more, calories than the regular version!
And that’s not fair at all!

PHENQ: Weight Loss

One of the reasons so many dieters has found it almost impossible to lose weight is that it’s virtually impossible to keep track of the hidden calories that sabotage your weight loss plan.
If the only way to avoid those hidden calories that sabotage your slimming diet was to switch to a completely unprocessed diet and spend even more time shopping and cooking - the obesity epidemic would never end!
There must be a better way to lose weight sensibly, safely, and quickly - surely?
Thermo – what?
Thermogenesis is a wonderful natural process that speeds up the metabolism, so you get the same amount of fat-burning as a hard, punishing exercise regime or a drastic cut in food intake – without exercising or dieting!
The four teas made from the Camellia Sinensis plant are packed full of the components proven to create healthy, fast, fat-burning, thermogenesis and they are green tea, white tea, pu-erh tea, and oolong tea.
Why doesn’t everybody know about this?
Well, for one very simple reason – the obesity-busting teas made from the Camellia Sinensis plant are not owned by a multi-national company who can control access, spend millions on marketing, and pocket a hefty profit!
And your doctor won’t tell you about the four weight-loss teas either because he can’t make any money out it.
But don’t get the idea that the medical world and obesity specialists are skeptical about the potent thermogenic and appetite suppressing the action of the teas.
Quite the reverse is true – because their results are the scientific proof!
Medical proof
The huge amount of international research into these four teas as a practical treatment for obesity has been coming up with the same excellent weight-reducing results for years.
Drinking a blend of these thermogenic teas really does produce solid, significant weight loss - quickly, safely, and permanently!
As long as you keep drinking a blend of these four teas, the high levels of catechins in the tea will keep on:
  • Burning-off excess fat
  • Keeping your stomach feeling full for longer
  • Draining unnecessary fluids
  • Stopping hunger pangs
  • Restricting the formation of new fat cells

Synergy boosts potency x10
When combined with a scientific process known as synergy, the four teas’ individual slimming properties are greatly increased, and like a well-trained football team, the potency is boosted by 10 times.
How to avoid those hidden calories?

We highly recommend!
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When you’ve dropped two sizes in about 4 weeks, just from drinking delicious tea every day and still eating your regular foods – you won’t need to bother about avoiding hidden calories!
With your weight worries cut down to size once and for all – “frankly, my dear, you won’t give a damn!”
Happy slimming!

Slimming Diet


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